ASAP Academy

ASAP Canada Academy

Your district can host its own ASAP® Academy

We will show you how…

Strengthen and develop your school leadership. Build capacity to meet the complex challenges of today’s school environment with leadership that is inspired and innovative. The ASAP Academy for principals, assistant principals and teachers will transform student learning and school improvement.

View our recent webinar presentation on our YouTube channel to learn about the specifics of the ASAP Academy.

We create a custom Academy experience for your district and help you secure Title II funding…

The Accelerated School Administrator Program (ASAP®) has been conducting school leadership academies for over 10 years. The program is customized to the needs of each district or state, using elements in a blended program format with many unique features that distinguish it from typical district programs. The ASAP Academy combines initial Educational Leadership Assessments of individual capacities, personal interviews, and a “Decision Making and Prioritization Skills Assessment,” which provides each candidate with a number of crisis scenarios during a simulated school day, and a condensed time frame in which to formulate reactions and responses. This creates a rich dataset from which to build individual learning plans, team goals and activities, and components of school team involvement in the school improvement planning process.

Assessments provide direction for learning and online modules directly target areas of need. Participants engage with prescribed learning modules individually and process learning in cohort meetings. Mentors provide both individual and group feedback and support.

Academy Retreat

Over the course of the school year, Academy participants attend retreats in which they are immersed in learning away from the school site. Participants are fully removed from their usual work and learning milieu and presentations are tailored to district and school needs (e.g., building high literacy achievement in urban schools).

An online learning community connects the cohort 24/7. While cohort members initially bond through the first retreat, the online community serves to deepen the bonds. Members use the online community to post readings of interest, share documents and disseminate news. Members tap each other as resources and sounding boards for learning and onsite activities.

We create the Academy scope documentation in concert with district leadership, provide support in applying for and securing Title II funding, and provide:

  • ASAP Educational Leadership Assessments
  • ASAP Learning Modules
  • Online learning community, and Program Director
  • Retreat presenters
  • School Improvement Plan Guidebook
  • Mentor Guidebook
  • School Leadership Assessment
  • Regular reporting on participation and assessments
  • and much, much more…

Finally, there is one place you can go to meet all of your principal and teacher preparation and professional development needs in a learning academy that will produce measurable results. Each school improvement project has SMART goals and accountability measures (e.g. one-half grade point average increase per year in target content area). Goals are determined based on district needs, particularly for under-performing schools, and must be measurable to show real benefits in student achievement.

Find out more. Contact us now to attend an upcoming webinar on the ASAP Academy, by sending us an email or calling our toll free number at 1-866-609-2727 and requesting a return call or onsite visit.

Generally the program has been really well received. We have all of our district principals participating in the program as well as a variety of aspiring administrators.

I think the piece with the school improvement plan is a major piece. It really I think will cause our principals to focus at a much deeper level as it relates to doing quality work on those school improvement plans. I don’t know about your district, but around these parts you have certain principals who do a bang-up job on those school improvement plans and others who unfortunately try to skate by. And having a process like this that keeps them focused and accountable for what’s included in those plans I think bodes well for the district, certainly in our efforts to turn the district around, academically and otherwise.

The assessments are really good. The fact that we are able to point to some normed assessments that have been taken by thousands and thousands of people. And just seeing how people compare, not only to their colleagues, but also how they compare nationally I think lends a lot of credibility to the program as well.

The traction of the program is really done well also. With this being a lot of online work, it’s really imperative that you stay in constant contact with district participants to keep them on track throughout and the ASAP Elearning team have been doing a marvelous job of that. We have had very few of our participants who have had any major issues with completion in the time limits, etc.”

Dr. Jessie Kilgore, Assistant Superintendent
Flint Community Schools, Michigan

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